Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my first blog everyone!  My name is Brooke Ray. I have a home birth practice in San Diego. My website is   I've been a midwife for over 10 years. And yes, I am also a dancer :)  I invite you to check in from time to time to see what's going on in the home birth community in San Diego and what's going on in my practice.  With permission, I look forward to sharing birth stories and birth pictures with you.  

In December I begin working part-time for Best Start Birth Center.  I'm very excited about this. Roberta Frank, owner and wonderful, long time midwife, will cover for me so that I can offer continuous coverage to my homebirthers, who are COUNTING on me being there for their births.  I have an ambition to start a volunteer doula program at Best Start and also to do some scientific investigation of the efficacy of some midwifery tricks of preventing Group B Strep colonization of the yoni.  I am also looking forward to getting involved with Centering Pregnancy which is group prenatal care.  Big plans.....

I lead a Birth Dance class once a week where expectant mamas join me in loosening and opening the bones, ligaments and muscles of the birth to facilitate an easier birth.  I will post video of this class so that you can follow along from home!

Stay posted and I will share with you wisdoms that I acquire on this journey!